Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun

Logan's kindergarten class had a field trip to the pumpkin patch and I went along with him. He loves this time of year because his birthday is on Halloween.

Logan is now 6 years old. He's growing up so fast. He was a cute chubby baby with his tongue always sticking out. I'm glad his tongue stays in his mouth now. He's a fun kid to have around.

Logan was a Mad Scientist, Tanner a Vampire, Preston also a Vampire, and Spencer was Indiana Jones. Spencer almost went without a costume. We had bought him a hat and he couldn't find it so he borrowed Grandpa's hat.

Mr. Clean and Hippie Girl. I forced Jason to wear a gold earring, he didn't want to at first, but it really completed the outfit. He made a great Mr. Clean.

Now the fun part...eating the candy.


  1. You guys always have such great costumes!!!

  2. Love the costumes! Carson plays Indiana Jones everyday! What did you do to Jason's eyebrows to make them white? He makes a great Mr. Clean!
